Apartment Renovation NYC
A Reliable Contractor for Your Apartment Renovation in NYC

Looking to remodel your apartment – condo or co-op? With DCON Renovations, enjoy a seamless, worry-free experience. Transparent costs, minimal disruptions, and expert craftsmanship ensure your design vision becomes reality.

DCON Renovations: Your trusted provider of high-quality apartment renovation services in New York City:

  • Kitchen Remodeling
  • Bathroom Renovations
  • Flooring and Carpentry
  • Painting & Wallpaper
  • Space Optimization
  • Attention to Detail
  • Timely Completion
  • Customer Satisfaction

Elevate Your Apartment with Confidence. Contact Us Today at 718-628-3428 for a Free Consultation and let’s bring your Dream to life!

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“Local Apartment Remodeling Services in NYC”

When you search online for apartment renovation companies, you’ll find many companies that offer these services in New York City and the surrounding areas. While it’s nice to have options, it can also be overwhelming to choose the ideal contractor for your unique needs. Our professional team is here to help, giving you the perfect outcome by applying our years of experience to your apartment renovation vision. We provide a hands-on experience, giving you the highest level of support through every stage of this process.

kitchen-remodeling-brooklyn-Kitchen Remodeler, home renovations with DCON Renovations

The Secret: Achieving the Perfect Apartment Renovation

Not only do you need to find trusted apartment renovation contractors, but it’s just as important to know your dream and goals for this project. During the initial stages, communication is key: the goal is to convey your vision so the renovation team can put the details into place to create a renovated apartment you will love.

An experienced apartment renovation contractor will take a proactive approach to set an achievable schedule for your apartment renovation in New York. There are many moving parts in a major renovation project, which is why it’s critical to lock down significant milestones. It’s an art to create a detailed schedule that allows for the flexibility needed. Ultimately, an experienced team helps everything go as smoothly as possible by ensuring quality communication and coordination every step of the way.

Choosing the right team is a critical decision that will ensure you have a positive experience every step of the way. You need a renovation contractor for your condo or co-op who listens to your needs, thinks one step ahead, and anticipates the ideal solutions to match your expectations. You deserve a reliable partner, so make sure your apartment renovation contractor is both responsive and supportive throughout this process.

When you are finalizing the details, it’s wise to consult with your general contractor throughout the design phase. Not only do you need quality materials that create the aesthetic appeal you desire, but you also consider durability as well. High-performance and eco-friendly materials are ideal for your apartment remodeling services.

You have a lot of details to finalize, which is why it’s helpful for your contractor to use a checklist or planning tool as part of this process. This approach makes it easy to finalize the critical details and communicate your selections with the installation teams.
You have seemingly unlimited options to choose from, which is why it can be helpful to follow our checklist or project planner tool. Our team works hard to simplify the process and make it easy when you are choosing materials for your apartment, condo, or co-op renovation projects.

Not only do you need to create a vision in the beginning, but it’s essential to hold onto this concept as you are facing the reality of construction in your condo, co-op apartment home. Challenges are often part of this process, and your vision will help you get through the ups and downs of apartment renovations in NYC. You’ll watch your apartment get turned upside down, clearing the way to create the sanctuary you deserve. Be prepared by holding onto the confidence that you will love the results when the chaos is over. Focusing on your vision helps you remember WHY you are putting in the time and effort for NYC condo/co-op apartment home renovations.

Years in Business Gives Us the Expertise You Need

We know the pressure you feel when choosing from various apartment renovation contractors in NYC. There’s a lot to think about, and it’s common for homeowners to select the cheapest company they can find. While it’s important to consider your budget, be realistic about the overall costs to ensure the quality results you want to create.

Just because you have a quote in hand for apartment remodeling services doesn’t necessarily mean that the price is locked into place. This initial estimate is a rough overview to help you see if the contractor lines up with your budget. But you need to make sure a field verification happens to improve the overall accuracy of the initial pricing. Make sure your apartment renovation contractor provides a detailed project proposal (including exclusions and inclusions), ensuring you are on the same page when the project is underway. Review all the details before signing the work agreement.

Finding a trustworthy team is the most crucial detail to ensure the quality of your renovation project. Does your remodeler have in-house crews, or are they relying on third-party contractors? Ask questions about the team you are working with. Although in-house crews are often preferred to minimize communication glitches and project delays, certain specialties often require services from third-party providers (such as electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.). Also, make sure your apartment renovation contractor is insured and licensed to perform these services.

It’s a nightmare to run into scheduling issues during the middle of apartment remodeling in New York. One delay can cause a domino effect that ripples through the rest of the schedule. Not only is it frustrating to deal with delays, but these issues often increase overall costs due to the money you are spending on monthly overhead and temporary living arrangements. The key to avoiding these types of scheduling delays is to make sure your condo or co-op contractor has a dedicated project management team. This approach oversees the most important details for keeping a seamless schedule from start to finish.

The smallest installation details add up to the quality results that you deserve. Even if you don’t know what to look for in the finishing elements of your NYC condo, co-op apartment renovation, a professional contractor will ensure that everything is completed to the level of performance. It’s important to address the finishing touches that you can see, as well as details behind the scenes such as insulation and waterproofing. Your contractor should have a high standard to ensure results that will last for years.


Why DCON Is Your Preferred Contractor for Apartment Renovation in NYC

You deserve to work with apartment renovation contractors who treat your apartment as their own home. Welcome to the high level of service our team at DCON Renovations offers for every project! We are proactive about maintaining the highest standards to ensure quality results for your renovations.

Our team is local to the New York City area, with years of experience working in all different condo, co-ops, and other construction environments throughout the city. We know what it takes to ensure quality results for everything from modern framing in new buildings to thick lath walls in prewar buildings. We promise the highest quality installation services in every type of construction environment.

Not all apartment renovation contractors are equal. Since we were born and raised in New York, we understand the most critical construction nuances that outshine the big companies and tech giants. In addition to our highly-trained in-house crews, we’ve also formed partnerships with licensed electricians, plumbers, and other specialists that deliver the highest quality standards. Our project managers oversee the smallest details to ensure perfection for every condo, co-op apartment renovation project.

At DCON Renovations, we hold the highest standards for transparency and communications, ensuring top-level results for your condo, co-op apartment remodeling. Your satisfaction is always the highest priority. We work hard to be sure that our clients are happy with the results, and you can see this through the glowing reviews we have online. In addition to a solid track record, we continue paving a path of excellence to deliver results you can trust in the future.

We are proactive about staying current with the latest trends in renovations, construction, and materials. Talk to us about your options for condo, co-op apartment remodeling services that leverage the latest results from our vast network of local vendors. In addition, we have access to trendy design picks and new releases, giving you modern solutions and up-to-date features.

Fulfilling a Homeowner’s Vision: A NYC Apartment Remodel Project Comes to Life

In the bustling city of New York, apartment living holds a special place for homeowners seeking to create their dream spaces. One such homeowner recently embarked on a remarkable remodel project within his NYC apartment, encompassing a complete kitchen gut, shower upgrade, and general floor repairs and painting. Let’s listen to his firsthand experience as he shares how his vision was fulfilled and his apartment was transformed into a haven of style and functionality.

“I felt like they prioritized doing things the right way, and prioritized my general satisfaction with the project…..My vision was certainly fulfilled” Homeowner

Ready to discuss your New project?

Top Rated apartment remodeling Contractor in NYC
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Houzz 5 Stars

Simplified, Reliable Results for Apartment Renovation in NYC

When you are getting ready for condo, co-op apartment remodeling in New York, you might feel the pressure of knowing and planning for every detail. Our professional team is here to simplify the process, offering streamlined services that prioritize quality and help you avoid confusion in the planning process.

Best Practices for Project Planning

You are ready to get started and create the apartment design that aligns with your dreams! We’re here to help you get started and follow through to successful completion. One way is to provide our design team with a few videos or photos that showcase the style you desire. Then, we’ll review your plans and prepare a personalized estimate for the work in your condo or co-op.

The field verification serves multiple purposes. First, we complete a walk-through so our team can gather information about the project details, site conditions, and measurements. Also, you have the opportunity to ask questions and share information about your goals, so we can ensure the outcome matches your preferences.

Next, you will receive a detailed proposal that outlines everything included in your personalized plan. Treat this proposal as the “manual” for the apartment remodeling services, with details that include everything from exclusions and inclusions to the payment schedule, scope of work, and project timeline. We encourage homeowners to actively participate in this stage of planning, giving you the chance to provide feedback so we can make amendments as needed.

Now it’s time to get started with project approval and required documentation. Additionally, your project manager works to create the schedules and milestones that line up all details to achieve the desired timeline for completion. Finally, when we have the green light for construction, our crews are ready to launch the project in your condo, co-op, apartment home.

We need to make sure that all materials are on-site at the right time. Our team is proactive about coordinating with the designers during the ordering process. We stay ahead of the anticipated timeline to make sure everything is ready to match the ideal schedule. The purchasing process is smooth and seamless because of our relationships with local vendors.


Materials & Products

We never cut corners when sourcing the materials installed in your condo, co-op, apartment renovation in New York. You dream up the details, and we will find the materials to match! Choose from any style that you prefer to create a personalized apartment design.

We can help with sourcing all of the products needed in your apartment renovation, including:

  • Lighting Fixtures

  • Doors & Windows
  • Glass & Mirrors
  • Cupboards & Shelving
  • Luxury & Accessories
  • Counters & Vanities
  • Faucets & Plumbing
  • Custom Stones
  • Flooring & Tiles
  • And Much More …

Quality Installation and Detailed Finishes

You’ve chosen materials, and the apartment renovation plan is underway. So the next step is to begin the installation. We put in the preparatory work to stage the project, including protection for existing wall surfaces, flooring, and doorways that need to be covered.

We have a systemized process to move through each milestone at the right timing: demolition, framing, electrical, plumbing, waterproofing, flooring, paint, and more. This schedule aligns with the unique scope of work for your personalized project, with a project manager as a point of contact from start to finish.

Not only do we prioritize communication with everyone involved, but we use a detailed punch list to ensure that nothing falls through the cracks. Your ultimate satisfaction is our priority.


Faster and more reliable

Hire the leading contractor

Quality that wows to impress


Planning a successful apartment remodel in NYC requires careful consideration and preparation. Here are some steps to help you get started:

  1. Determine your goals: Start by clearly defining your objectives for the remodel. What aspects of your apartment do you want to change or improve? Identify the specific areas or features you wish to renovate.
  2. Set a budget: Establish a realistic budget for your remodel. Consider factors such as the scope of work, materials, labor costs, permits, and any unforeseen expenses. It’s essential to have a clear understanding of your financial limitations from the outset.
  3. Research and gather ideas: Explore various sources of inspiration to gather ideas for your remodel. Browse home improvement magazines, websites, and social media platforms to see what design styles and trends resonate with you.
  4. Consult with professionals: Engage the services of an experienced and reputable architect, interior designer, or contractor specializing in apartment renovations in NYC. Seek their advice, share your ideas, and discuss your budget. They can help refine your vision, offer practical suggestions, and provide estimates for the project.
  5. Understand building regulations: Familiarize yourself with the specific building regulations, permits, and approvals required for your renovation project in NYC. NYC Department of Buildings website (nyc.gov/buildings) is a valuable resource for information on permits, codes, and guidelines.
  6. Develop a detailed plan: Work with your chosen professional to develop a comprehensive plan for your apartment remodel. This should include architectural drawings, material selections, project timelines, and any necessary approvals or permits.
  7. Consider logistics and restrictions: NYC apartments often have logistical challenges, such as limited elevator access or building restrictions. Discuss these aspects with your professional to develop a remodeling plan that accommodates these factors and minimizes disruptions.
  8. Engage contractors and suppliers: Once your plan is finalized, obtain multiple bids from licensed and insured contractors. Choose contractors based on their experience, expertise, reputation, and competitive pricing. Similarly, select reliable suppliers for your materials and fixtures.
  9. Obtain necessary permits: Work with your professional to ensure all required permits are obtained before commencing the renovation. Failure to secure the necessary permits can result in delays, fines, and potential legal issues.
  10. Prepare for temporary relocation: Depending on the extent of the renovation, you may need to temporarily relocate during the construction phase. Make arrangements in advance to stay with family or friends, or consider renting a short-term apartment.

Remember, each apartment remodel is unique, and these steps provide a general guideline. Consulting professionals who are well-versed in NYC regulations and construction practices will help ensure a smooth and successful renovation experience.

The duration of an apartment renovation in NYC can vary depending on several factors, including the scope of work, size of the apartment, complexity of the project, and other external factors. Here are some general guidelines to consider:

  1. What factors affect the duration of an apartment renovation?
    • Scope of work: The more extensive the renovation, the longer it may take to complete.
    • Size of the apartment: Larger apartments typically require more time for renovations compared to smaller ones.
    • Structural changes: If your renovation involves structural modifications, such as removing walls or changing the layout, additional time may be needed for planning and construction.
    • Permits and approvals: The time taken to obtain necessary permits and approvals from the NYC Department of Buildings can impact the overall timeline.
    • Availability of materials: Delays in sourcing materials, especially for custom or specialized items, can extend the renovation timeline.
    • Contractor’s schedule: The availability and schedule of the contractor or construction team can affect the project timeline.
  2. What is the average duration for an apartment renovation in NYC?
    • Minor renovations: Projects limited to a specific area, such as a bathroom or kitchen, can take around 4-8 weeks to complete.
    • Moderate renovations: Renovations involving multiple rooms or areas, such as combining two apartments or remodeling the entire living space, typically range from 8-16 weeks.
    • Major renovations: Extensive remodels, including structural changes, complex designs, or high-end finishes, may require 16 weeks or more, depending on the project’s scale.
  3. How can I expedite the renovation process?
    • Plan ahead: Thoroughly plan your renovation with your contractor or professional to minimize delays.
    • Prompt decision-making: Timely decision-making regarding materials, fixtures, and design choices helps keep the project on schedule.
    • Efficient communication: Maintain open and clear communication with your contractor, designer, or architect to address any concerns promptly.
    • Proper budgeting: Ensuring that you have sufficient funds allocated for the renovation prevents unnecessary delays due to financial constraints.
    • Flexibility: Understand that unforeseen circumstances, such as weather conditions or unexpected issues during construction, can affect the timeline. Flexibility and patience are essential.
  4. How can I determine the timeline for my specific renovation project?
    • Consult professionals: Engage with experienced contractors, architects, or designers who can assess your specific project requirements and provide a realistic timeline based on their expertise.
    • Detailed planning: Work closely with your professional to develop a comprehensive plan that includes architectural drawings, material selections, and project milestones.
    • Project schedule: Your contractor should provide a detailed project schedule outlining each phase of the renovation, including estimated start and completion dates.

Remember that the timeline provided is a general estimation, and each renovation project is unique. It is advisable to consult professionals who can assess your specific requirements and provide a more accurate timeline based on the scope of work and other relevant factors.

The cost of an apartment renovation in NYC can vary significantly depending on various factors, including the scope of work, size of the apartment, quality of materials, labor costs, and location within the city. Here are some general guidelines to consider:

What factors influence the cost of an apartment renovation?

Scope of work: The extent of the renovation, such as a minor update, a moderate remodel, or a major overhaul, will impact the overall cost.

Size of the apartment: The square footage of your apartment affects the materials required and the amount of labor involved, which can influence the cost.

Design and finishes: The quality of materials, fixtures, and finishes you choose will have a significant impact on the overall cost. High-end materials and custom designs tend to be more expensive.

Structural changes: Renovations that involve structural modifications, such as removing walls or reconfiguring layouts, can increase costs due to additional engineering and construction work.

Permits and approvals: Obtaining permits and approvals from the NYC Department of Buildings may incur fees, which should be factored into the overall cost.

Contractor fees: Labor costs, including contractor fees and wages for skilled tradespeople, will contribute to the total cost.

Location: The specific neighborhood or borough within NYC can influence the cost of labor, materials, and permits.

What is the average cost for an apartment renovation in NYC?

Minor renovations: For projects focused on a single area, like a bathroom or kitchen, the cost can range from $25,000 to $50,000 or more, depending on the complexity and quality of materials.

Moderate renovations: Renovations involving multiple rooms or areas typically start at $50,000 and can go up to $100,000 or more, depending on the size, complexity, and finishes.

Major renovations: Extensive remodels that include structural changes, high-end finishes, or complete apartment transformations can start at $100,000 and easily exceed $500,000, depending on the scope and customization.

How can I estimate the cost for my specific renovation project?

Consult professionals: Engage with experienced contractors, architects, or designers who can assess your specific project requirements and provide an accurate cost estimate based on their expertise.

Detailed planning: Work closely with your professional to develop a comprehensive plan that includes architectural drawings, material selections, and project specifications.

Obtain multiple quotes: Request quotes from different contractors to compare prices and ensure you are getting a fair estimate.

Consider additional expenses: Remember to account for additional costs such as permits, design fees, professional services, and any unforeseen expenses that may arise during the renovation process.

Can I control the cost of my apartment renovation?

Set a realistic budget: Determine your budget before starting the renovation and communicate it clearly with your contractor. This will help guide the project and prevent overspending.

Prioritize: Identify the key elements and areas that are most important to you. Allocate a larger portion of your budget to these areas while being mindful of cost-saving options for less crucial aspects.

Value engineering: Work with your contractor to explore cost-effective alternatives for materials and finishes without compromising on quality or aesthetics.

Regular communication: Maintain open and clear communication with your contractor throughout the renovation process to ensure that any changes or unforeseen expenses are addressed promptly.

Remember that the costs mentioned are general estimations and can vary based on individual project requirements, market conditions, and other factors. Consulting professionals who specialize in NYC apartment renovations will provide the most accurate and tailored cost estimate for your specific project.


Finding a reliable contractor is crucial for a successful apartment renovation. Here are some tips to help you in your search:

  1. Ask for recommendations: Seek recommendations from friends, family, or neighbors who have recently undergone renovations. They can provide insights into their experiences with different contractors.
  2. Research online: Look for contractors’ websites, online reviews, and ratings on reputable platforms. Read client testimonials and reviews to gauge the quality of their work and customer satisfaction.
  3. Verify credentials: Ensure that the contractor is licensed, insured, and has the necessary certifications to work in NYC. You can check their credentials through the NYC Department of Buildings or other relevant licensing authorities.
  4. Request references: Ask the contractor for references from their past clients. Reach out to these references to inquire about their experiences, the quality of work, and the contractor’s professionalism.
  5. Interview multiple contractors: Obtain quotes and interview multiple contractors to compare their expertise, communication style, project approach, and pricing. This will help you make an informed decision based on your specific needs.

The permits required for an apartment renovation in NYC can vary depending on the scope of work. Some common permits include:

Alteration permit: This permit is needed for any structural or non-structural changes, such as removing or adding walls, changing the layout, or altering plumbing or electrical systems.

Plumbing permit: If your renovation involves plumbing modifications, such as installing new fixtures, moving pipes, or altering the water supply, a plumbing permit is required.

Electrical permit: For electrical work, such as adding or relocating outlets, rewiring, or installing new lighting fixtures, an electrical permit is necessary.

Boiler or HVAC permit: If your renovation includes changes to the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems or the boiler, you will need the appropriate permits.

It’s important to consult with your contractor or a professional architect to determine the specific permits needed for your renovation. The NYC Department of Buildings can provide detailed information and guidelines for permit applications.

Whether you can live in your apartment during a renovation depends on the scope and scale of the project. Minor renovations, such as minimal bathroom or kitchen updates, may allow you to live in your apartment with minimal disruption. However, major renovations involving extensive construction, structural changes, or systems being temporarily shut off may require you to find temporary accommodation. Discuss your living arrangements with your contractor and plan accordingly to ensure your safety and convenience during the renovation.

To ensure a smooth and efficient renovation process, consider the following tips:

  1. Clear communication: Maintain open and frequent communication with your contractor, architect, or designer to discuss your expectations, address concerns, and make decisions promptly.
  2. Regular site visits: Visit the site regularly to monitor the progress, ensure the work is being carried out as planned, and promptly address any issues or changes.
  3. Flexibility and patience: Understand that unforeseen circumstances or changes may arise during the renovation. Stay flexible, be prepared to make adjustments, and maintain patience throughout the process.
  4. Regular progress updates: Request regular progress updates from your contractor to stay informed about the project’s timeline, milestones, and any potential delays.
  5. Address concerns promptly: If you have any concerns or issues during the renovation, communicate them with your contractor as soon as possible to avoid further complications or misunderstandings.

Transform Your home Or Kitchen Remodeling Project Today with Our NYC Experts

Imagine having a team of kitchen remodeling and renovation experts like ours working on your next remodel project in NY. At DCON Renovations, we are passionate about transforming homes into beautiful and relaxing spaces that truly reflect your unique style and taste. With our highly skilled kitchen designers paired with our kitchen remodeling contractors, you are in good hands.

Experience the difference of working with a team that is committed to your renovation vision and brings a shining work ethic to every kitchen project. Contact us today and let us transform your NY home into the space you’ve always dreamed of. Our trusted team of New York kitchen design and remodeling contractors and experts will guide you through the process.

DCON Renovations - local, trusted remodelers in Brooklyn and New York City

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