Steps to Remodeling Your Home: Where Should You Start?

Categories: Home Remodeling

Steps to Remodeling Your Home: Where Should You Start?

Do you need to remodel your home? You may be thinking, “Where should I start?” Many decisions go into a home remodel, and it can feel overwhelming, and everyone has their own opinion on the matter. Still, it’s important to know what needs to be done before starting any work. Do you want to start at the top or bottom? Should you paint your walls first, what about flooring? These are the questions that come to mind when you’re planning on renovating your house.

The most important thing is understanding that remodeling your home can be overwhelming and a big project. DCON Renovations & Remodeling has seen just how stressful it can be for people looking to transform their homes into something new. This blog post will help answer some of your questions to make this process easier on yourself and allow you to enjoy the progress along the way!

These are the steps to make your home remodeling project easier:

1. Figure out what you want to remodel

In order to figure out where exactly you should begin with renovating an area of your home, we recommend perusing through magazines, books, websites, etc., until inspiration strikes. Once you find an idea that sparks interest, don’t be afraid to take it and run with it!

As for what room or space you should start remodeling, we recommend starting in a most important place. For example, an updated kitchen could help make your home more enticing if you’re looking into selling the property. An updated bathroom may give older people peace of mind by making them feel safe when they are away from their primary residence while recovering from surgery or illness. Or maybe even updating bedrooms will let your children grow up in a beautiful environment that they love coming back to day after day.

Many homeowners want their homes to be updated and modernized while still retaining some of the original charms they love about it–so give yourself plenty of time for what could turn into a long project!

2. Make a list of your priorities.

When remodeling your home, you should make a list of priorities. This will help you prioritize what needs to be done first. Here is an example list: Home theater, kitchen updates, bathrooms with new fixtures/tile, basement storage area with more shelving units. Your priorities may vary depending on your situation.

3. Determine if you have the time and money for the project

It’s important to consider what kind of time and money you have for the project. If time is an issue: focus on small projects that will add value to your home quickly or replace items that need upkeeping but aren’t urgent and can wait until there’s more time – such as windows. If money is tight: prioritize cheaper updates like painting rooms instead of expensive upgrades like a kitchen makeover.

If you’re short on either:

Consider scaling back future goals when planning renovations, maybe only focusing on more minor updates like painting colors or replace things with things that are already easy to buy regularly. Or take a break from remodeling until later in life when more resources are available.

But if both your finances and schedule allow, go ahead with those significant changes! Start researching what your priorities should be. You may want to focus on projects that can do the most to improve your daily life or increase home value in the order of importance. The payoff should be worth it in the long run.

4. Know what permits are required for the work done and make sure they’re obtained in advance.

One of the steps to remodeling your home is knowing what permits are required for the work that will be done and obtaining them in advance. This often varies by location but can include building code requirements or zoning codes where needed–and usually, at least one of these types of permits must be obtained before any construction takes place.

It’s also essential to have a good understanding of which contractors you want on the job ahead of time, so they’re available during this permit process. If not, it may take longer than expected since workers need an exact date from which to start their project timeline! Be sure everyone knows when changes might happen with company schedules, too, because unexpected delays could mean delaying other projects entirely while waiting around (or starting work in the middle of a permit).

After you have all the permits and contractors lined up, it’s time to get started on the actual remodeling. For many homeowners, this is where they begin their research based on what parts of their home need some improvement or updating.

5. Decide on the company to work with. Review their prices, warranties, and guarantees before making a decision.

The adage “you get what you pay for” is often true when it comes to remodeling projects–the cheapest estimate may not end up being your best value in the long run! Research contractors thoroughly online or ask around at home improvement stores. For example: If one contractor offers $40/hour while another charges $70/hour but has more experience, which would be better? You’ll probably want someone who knows how to do things right without supervision because they have done them many times before instead of an inexperienced worker who needs constant monitoring. Be sure that whomever you choose they are the best fit for your needs.

These are just the simple steps to start your home remodeling project as smoothly and enjoyable as possible. In conclusion, remodeling projects can be expensive, but if updating an area after living there for years will make you happier, then it’s worth spending some money.

A reputable company in the NYC area

DCON Renovations & Remodeling can help guide the process of what needs updating for your home’s value or purpose within a family unit to increase. We always recommend making sure any renovations are done quickly so they’re not getting outdated before their time – which could also negatively affect resale value later on down the line.

DCON Renovations & Remodeling is also available to help with smaller projects. We offer a Design/Build service where we will come out and design the space you want, show it to you in person for approval, then work hard alongside your contractor of choice as they build exactly what your family needs!

Have any questions or concerns? Call today at (718) 628-3428 for more information on how we can help guide you through all the home renovation steps before starting anything else. And remember about getting that free estimate today; DCON can’t wait to be part of this exciting adventure together.

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